Support Call Archive

Support Call 12-05-14

This was a wonderful call. In it, we discussed:

  • Deceit and oppositional defiance
  • Keeping young children in their own church classes
  • Connecting with certain children
  • Extreme aggressiveness in age 7 son
  • TSG for nursery children (ages 18 months-3yrs)
  • Using the TSG vocabulary and breaking attachments to electronics

Support Call 11-21-14

This call talks about:

  • Wanting to be spanked instead of governing self.
  • Doing TSG while on bedrest.
  • Letting little children run around naked.
  • Age five boy bullying family and thinking that his naughtiness is funny.

Support Call 11-12-14

In this call, we talk about:

  • Time out being the Calm Down Spot instead of the consequence
  • Bipolar and needing to be there for everything for age 15 son
  • Bedtime sillies trouble
  • Modified Rule of Three for age 6
  • Passive-Aggressive "calmness"

Support Call 11-07-14

In this call, the topics covered were:

  • Age 16 daughter being dishonest with electronics and won't give parents respect
  • Rule of Three anxiety for age 5 son and the Calm Down Spot
  • Having more than a pocketful of candy for a positive consequence
  • How to get personal mentoring

Support Call 10-31-14

Warning: This is a very long call. 😉 But, we covered some amazing things that I'm sure will be helpful to anyone who listens to this call. Those topics were:

  • Halloween
  • Homeschooling, self-worth issues, and gaming
  • 24 hours, picking and choosing your battles, and helping turning into micromanaging
  • Dishonesty with electronics, really being okay, and scripture time
  • Bad treatment from friends because you're homeschooled
  • Illness, checking back, and accepting consequences
  • Adopted girl lives with ex and has no consequences for her actions and younger girl is following suit
  • Depression and personal calmness
  • Is there such a thing as earning 24 hours too many times?
  • Husband's personality affects the tone of the home
  • Is it okay to leave someone alone to calm down?
  • Accepting and willingly doing extra chores

Support Call 10-20-14

This call discusses:

  • Speeding chores up
  • Demonstrating bad behaviors
  • Rule of Three consistency and hitting
  • Fighting siblings

Support Call 10-15-14

This call was amazing! We talked about:

  • How to use TSG when being bullied
  • Bipolar and addictions (porn, TV, media)
  • Getting heated during corrections and not accepting no answers
  • 25 Principles Of Leadership

Support Call 10-10-14

This call discusses:

  • What we do at harvest time
  • What new members of the Support Group get
  • Spending too much time in the car
  • The "Terrible 2's"
  • Rebellious teenagers
  • Addictions to violent online gaming
  • Joining the cause!

Support Call 10-03-14

This call talks about:

  • Helping children become joyful adults mission fulfilled
  • Six children under the age of twelve and they can't all be corrected at the same time. And, lots of negativity in the home.
  • 2-year-old uses screaming to communicate. How can it be fixed?

Support Call 9-26-14

The questions for this call are:

  • We just decided this weekend that it's time to pull our kids and homeschool. We're super excited and anxious about it, but know without a doubt that it's what we're supposed to be doing.Do you follow a certain program, or curriculum, do you come up with it on your own? Our oldest has high functioning autism, and has really struggled with math, especially the new Common Core methods, which is partly why we're pulling them.He's 9.5, and I'm concerned about how to teach the math to him.

  • We have twin toddlers (1 year old) who are into everything!I'm homeschooling my 2 older children and it's becoming really hard because I'm constantly having to chase the toddlers around and pull them away from stuff. What TSG techniques can I use on children this young? Also one of my girls screams all the time - this ear piercing, window shattering scream and its horrible!This seems to be the only way she thinks she can communicate. Help?

  • My oldest daughter is 16. She is a junior and up until this year she has been homeschooled.She is wanting to get a part time job after school. I would love for her to have a job, but how do I know when a child is ready for that kind of trust/commitment level?

  • What is your rule for taking toys outside? Do you have specifics ones that can go outside? Or if they get ruined is that the natural consequence and you just throw them away?Are your children allowed to help themselves to the fridge when they are 5 and under?Are your children aloud to go in your room? What about with friends? How do you teach this?

