Support Call Archive

Support Call 2-18-15

This call covers:

  • How to deal with/get rid of general noise in the house
  • Teaching roudy boy scouts respect and reverence
  • Keeping the house clean with three young children

Support Call 2-11-15

This call covers:

  • Age 6.5 daughter sucks her thumb, twists her hair, and uses Pull-Ups, which we're trying to get her out of. Also, she's overweight for her age and size. She and the whole family are addicted to sugar. Help please!
  • My mother is emotionally manipulative and it's draining to be around her. How do I help her?
  • Do you say The Pledge of Allegiance as part of your school? I have a few questions and concerns about the Pledge. Also, I've been researching more TJED stuff. Can you clarify some things for me?

Support Call 1-23-15

This call's questions are:

  • My husband is not on board with TSG and my 6-year-old son is stubborn and strong-willed. How do I help them?
  • ALL of my children mant my undivided attention ALL THE TIME. How do I help all of them at the same time?
  • How do I start a Knights of Freedom group?
  • "He said..." "She said..."

Support Call 1-30-15

This call's questions were:

  • How do I and how did you make "clubs" or classes for Scholar Phase youth? You mentioned a College Prep class that you created and teach. What do you do for that exactly?
  • What do you think about toys in Sacrament Meeting?
  • What are some good college books for moms to read?

Support Call 1-16-15

This call covers:

  • ANNOUNCEMENTS! TSG events coming up!
  • TSG Circles questions and how to's
  • 2-year-old daughter doesn't like her baby brother. What do I do?
  • Tattling on sister and friends, homeschooling, and being almost potty trained

Support Call 1-9-15

This call was super short, but good, none the less. We discussed:

Support Call 1-2-15

This call covers:

  • I can't seem to make time in my life to spend quality time with my children. I'm the type who is "go go go, do do do." What do I do?
  • Our 6-year-old son has started stealing and lying, especially with food. He's allergic to lots of foods, but he doesn't seem to care that the food he's stealing will hurt him. Help!
  • How do I teach my children to not feel entitled, especially after I taught them to be?

Support Call 12-26-14

This call covers:

  • Christmas experiences
  • 14-year-old daughter who doesn't want to go to church anymore
  • When it is important (or not) to be fair
  • Inspiring someone with a white* personality (*see the Color Code book)
  • Having many of your family friends make poor decisions and having those decisions affect your children's friendships
  • Praising and the Lamplighter books

Support Call 12-19-14

The questions on this call were:

  • Is modesty really that important for young girls?
  • Age 7 has a hard time accepting extra chores, especially in the evening. Age 10 won't disagree appropriately. What do I do?
  • Age 6 is stubborn and won't accept or follow instructions. Suggestions?
  • Am I saying too much when I do the Rule of Three?

Support Call 12-12-14

In this call, we discuss:

  • Christmas traditions and fun stuff to do
  • How to NOT hate math
  • Defiant behavior and iPods
  • Correcting pencil posture, but not power struggling
  • Helping ages 9, 5, and 1 overcome shyness
  • What the difference is between conflict and a power struggle and becoming upset too easily
  • Correcting a son who is very dramatic and dangerous

