Support Call Archive

Support Call 5-01-2024

This call covers: (To be updated soon)

Support Call 4-24-2024

This call covers: (To be updated soon)

Support Call 4-17-2024

This call covers: * Child with Anger Issues * When You Don’t See The Misbehavior * Carrying The World On My Shoulders * Constant Loss Of Privileges * Calm and Toddler * Time Transitions * Getting Things to "Stick" * 5 yr old Bad Attitude * Calming Down * Apologizing * Defining Calm During an Instruction * Rule of 3 Escalation Question

Support Call 4-10-2024

This call covers: * Negative Self-Talk * Consequences for Violence * Stressed Kids & Tech Management * Teen Daughter is Manipulative * Story Books * Hygiene Help * Roles and Tone * Correcting In Public * Follow-Up on Last Week’s Question (TSG and TBRI) * Groundhog Day In The Morning * A Big "Thank You!" * Handling Bossy Friends * Focusing on Progress

Support Call 4-03-2024

This call covers: * Just a Busy 13-Year-Old Boy * Going Out of Control For Hours * Manipulative Teen * TSG Doesn’t Work Anymore * Rewarding Child Causing Bad Behavior * Accessing Materials * TSG and TBRI * Transgender And Family Virtue Abandonment * Nicholeen's Homeschooling Perspective & Methods * When A Child Should Get A Phone

Support Call 3-27-2024

This call covers: * Rule of Three With Limited Executive Functioning Children * Teen Daughter Not Taking a “No Answer" * Mentor Meetings * Relationship With My Son * Application * Anxiety * Teen Daughter * Respect and School Avoidance * Interrupting Corrections * Trying to Break the Oppositional Defiant Cycle * Harmful Behavior * Joy in Others' Misfortune * Teenage Trauma And Drama

Support Call 3-20-2024

This call covers: * My Children Don’t Like My Voice * Extreme and Chronic Arguing, Talking Over/Back, Insulting * Parenting Burnout * Consequences * Rule of 3 * Handling Situations After The Fact * Loss of Privileges Clarification * Rule of 3 Turning Into Defiance * Getting Involved with Disrespect Towards the Other Parent * Interrupting A Correction * A Quick Praise!

Support Call 3-13-2024

This call covers: * Calming Techniques * Sleep Issues * Feelings * SODAS * Complaints About Not Feeling Loved During Corrections * Accepting No Answers * School Trouble

Support Call 3-06-2024

This call covers: * Staying Calm with Babies and Toddlers * SODAS * Disagreeing Appropriately * Boundaries * Consequences and Corrections * Bathroom “Humor”/Silliness * Being More Strict * Chore and Job Follow-Through * Advice for Bonding * In-Person Visits * ADHD and Sleep Issues

Support Call 2-28-2024

This call covers: * 3-Year-Old Sleep Struggles * Connection and Correction * Anger Management * Not Cooperating with Loss of Privileges * Unity In Marriage Relationship * Consequence For Excessive, Intentional Belching * Homeschooling – Helping oldest Daughter with Patience & Her Role * Any ODD Success Stories? * Parents Divided * Setting Consequences in Advance * Amount of Frustration and Emotions Allowed * Calmly Out of Instructional Control * Dishonest Chores and Skills * Screen Time for Non-Neurotypical Boys

