Support Call Archive

Support Call 10-14-15

This call covers:

  • Children age 6 and 3. How do I know what their traits are at this age?
  • I'm having a hard time sharing our family vision with my older children who are no longer living with us. Any ideas?
  • My husband doesn't help me implement new skills and leaves it to me. My 12-year-old son thinks he's a bad child. And, I'm trying to find God's will for me and my family.

Support Call 10-09-15

This call covers:

  • Support Call schedule update (World Congress of Families, Cancun, Kenya)
  • Questions on pre-teaching, role playing, and the Family Council Workbook
  • How much TV time is too much TV time?
  • What skill to use for children who are being silly.
  • Morning routines and family work time.

Support Call 10-02-15

This call covers:

  • The value of SODAS.
  • Mother of four under age six. Life is crazy! What do I do?
  • Mother struggling with slight OCD and intolerance.

Support Call 9-25-15

This call covers:

  • How to still be a parent, even with shared custody of a child.
  • Handling multiple meltdowns at once.
  • Backup Calm Down spots for when multiple children need it.
  • Daughter is disrespectful to mother and monopolizes father, leaving no time for mother and father to have Couple Bonding time. Suggestions?
  • Special, new presentation: Power Of Words

Support Call 9-18-15

This call covers:

  • My child, age 6, can't even look at me when I'm giving him an instruction. How can he follow an instruction if he can't even look at me?
  • My 5-year-old son is great at telling me what to do when he earns an extra chore, but when he actually earns one, he goes completely out of control. What do I do?
  • My husband doesn't like to participate in family meetings. Is it possible to have meetings without Dad? Can we still have family unity?
  • My children don't like to redo things when they do something wrong. How do I help them participate in redoing a situation?
  • How many times can you go into the Rule of Three? My son keeps getting distracted and I'll start it, then he'll calm down. But three minutes later, we'll be back in the same place all over again. How does this work exactly?

Support Call 9-11-15

This call covers:

  • How to deal with obstinate behaviors of a 3rd grader and a 9th grader.
  • Learning how to praise better and getting away from personal negativity.
  • Fixing the feelings of failure in parenting.

Support Call 9-4-15

This call covers:

  • Why I love having a garden
  • Helping slower children speed things up
  • Keeping calm when children explode and start to threaten
  • Using TSG as a grandparent
  • Stopping mumbling

Support Call 8-27-15

This call covers:

  • Donate to help Nicholeen get to Kenya to help unite families!
  • Thoughts on assessment, the Self-Government success formula, and Mentor and Family meetings
  • Pre-teaching VS threatening: what it looks like
  • Taking someone else's consequence for them. Does that work?
  • When beginning homeschool, how much "school time" should happen daily?
  • Getting "alone" time with young children. How is it done?

Support Call 8-21-15

This call covers:

  • At what age does a mother have to accept that her daughter is now old enough to makeher own decisions, and peacefully accept rather than try to advise and correct herbehavior?

  • When you're assigning a job as a consequence, how do you go about it if you're not athome?

  • How do I wean my little daughter from a reward-based system but still help her with pottying in the toilet every time? Also, she is "happily hurtful." How do I help that?

  • My kids think that the calm down spot isn't a place for them to just calm down. If they stop crying immediately, can they leave the calm down spot right then or not have to go at all?

Support Call 8-7-15

This call covers:

  • My family doesn't like deliberate talk and family meetings don't really work. Is it even worth it to do them?
  • My age 12 son has become very rude and disrespectful to me and the rest of the family. Name calling and "poop jokes" are normal for him. How do I help him fix it?
  • We've just started implementing TSG and our 5-year-old son can't accept a "no" answer. He runs away and is rude. What do we do?
  • Where do you go to get a lift and/or encouragement? Do you ever feel depressed? And, what do you think about birth order?
  • My 3-year-old runs away when it's time to go to the calm down spot. What do I do about that?

