Support Call Archive
This call covers:
* Family Story and Progress
* Correcting Negative Behaviors
* Support Call Recording & TSG App
* 3-Year-Old Behaviors
* 15-Month-Old Getting Their Way
* Teen Resisting TSG Training
* Out of Instructional Control
* Giving Chores
* Help with the Rule of 3
* Consequences
* Multiple Homes with the Rule of 3
* Roles Issue
* Daily Power Struggles with the Children
* Coping with Emotional Overload
* Most Influential Book
* Weird Behaviors
* TSG and Online Gaming
This call covers:
* Introvert Giving Up On Relationships
* Bossy Older Sibling
* Age Appropriate Daily Task
* Undoing Screen Dependency in a Home with 2 Parenting Philosophies
* Abuse Awareness
* Bad Friends
* Neurodivergent Kids
* Shy toddler/Sibling relations
* Full Correction for Preteen/Teenagers
* Compounding Extra Chores
* Interrupting A Child
* Bed Time Chores
* Power Struggles
This call covers:
* Video Not Playing
* Online Learning for Children
* Free Spirit Personalities and Goals
* Correcting Young Toddlers/Babies
* Additional Information
* Correcting Four-Year-Old
* Older Teenage Daughter with ADHD/ODD and Depression (Gaslighting?)
* Injections
* Work Interfering with School
* How to Handle Blame, Criticisms and Continuously Talking Over and Talking Back
* Assertive Communication
* Sibling Issues
* Gaming On Days Off
* Daughter Choosing Chores Over Schoolwork
* Including Father Back Into Parenting
* Struggles with Calm Face, Voice, and Body
* Complying While Glaring
* Husband Hitting vs. Not Parenting At All
This call covers:
* Friend
* Getting Started with This New ‘Family Culture/Ethos’
* Applying the TSG Process to Serious Behavioral Issues
* The Negative Effects of Praise in Vertical versus Horizontal Relationships in Adlerian Psychology
* Oppositional 3-Year-Old
* Mobile Phone
* TSG and Homeschooling and Roles
* Stealing Privileges while in a Loss of Privileges
* Using Teaching Self-Government in Classrooms
* Multiple Instructions
* A Teacher who Bribes
* Son
* How To Start With New Baby
* Phone and Job Confusion
This call covers:
* School and Consequences
* Alternative Wording for “Out of Instructional Control”
* Making Friends
* Young Child Rubbing Privates on Things
* Rule of 3
* Building Relationships
* Grandma’s Role
* Going in Circles with 3-Year-Old
* Roles Issue
* Rule of 3 Interrupted
* Mother Daughter Relationship
* Sensitive Child
* Correcting Children’s Behavior when Husband is Parenting?
* Success Story: Check Back Cheer
* Success Story: Pre-Teaching Strong-Willed Child With New Food
* Graduating From TSG
This call covers:
* Keeping Up with Consequences and “No Answers”
* Paying for Good Grades
* Parent Counseling Session
* Toddler Jealous of Baby
* Toddler Jealous of Baby
* Back to School Refusal
* New School
* 3 Year-Old – Spanking, Modified Rule of 3, Books vs Course
* Bad Influences
* Not Wanting to Go to School
* Seeking Approval
* Getting Sucked Into Emotions
* Rule of 3 and Family Outings
* School and Consequences
This call covers:
* The Rule of Three
* Autism
* Loss of Privilege Under 7
* Homeschooling
* Giving Instructions via Text
* Progress: Little by Little, A Little Becomes A Lot
* Clarification on the Rule of 3
* Tasks with Multiple Steps
* Instructions/Corrections vs Parental Counsel
* Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA)
* Public School and Learning Disabilities
* Not Accepting Understood "No" Answers
* Small Family Meetings
This call covers:
* Sibling Rivalry
* Planned Privileges
* Autism
* Saying "OK"
* Negative Habit
* The Rule of Three for 4-Year-Old
* Parenting and Marriage
* Delaying Obedience
* TSG and Exchange Students
* Self-Government App Feature
* 24-Hour Loss of Privileges
* Family Meetings with Only One Child
* Family Activities
* How To Submit Questions
* Rule of Three Question as Well
This call covers:
* Check Backs for Routine Daily Jobs
* About The App
* Not Listening
* Policing
* Mom Feels Like TSG is Not Allowing Her To Be a Parent
* Disrespect for Roles & Aggression
This call covers:
* Bonding With Strong-Willed Daughter
* TSG Transition From Older Youth To Adult
* Attention To Instructions
* Rule of Three Past Bedtime
* Being Cancelled and Accused By Adult Son
* Stealing
* Tolerances
* Beginning Chores With A Low Bar of Difficulty
* Consultations and Defiant Teen Daughter
* Praise for TSG App