Support Call Archive

Support Call 9-23-20

This Call Covers: How to help calm down sillies without being overbearing. Making a vision statement for an older family

Support Call 9-17-20

This Call Covers: Being an introverted parent with very energetic children Helping teenagers learn respect Helping children not masturbate at a young age Differentiating between family ties and need to agree with others Verbal abuse among siblings Creating proper tone and boundaries with a spouse

Support Call 9-9-20

This Call Covers: Teenagers and the rule of three Homeschooling and schedules Correcting other people's children when in authority Bringing teens to TSG conferences

Support Call 8-26-20

This Call Covers: Helping children keep a calm voice, face, and body Older children who are bullies The Rule of Three Reinvigorating your TSG efforts

Support Call 8-19-20

This Call Covers: Dealing with though teenagers Children who struggle in school Helping children understand masks in a pandemic

Support Call 8-12-20

This Call Covers: Children going out of control Helping teens with anxiety/depression Separating activities between children based on age

Support Call 8-5-20

This Call Covers: Children hitting Helping children with depression/anxiety Homeschool and meetings Social media and teenagers

Support Call 7-29-20

This Call Covers: Losing Privileges during quarantine Computer privileges and teenagers Whining Children Stealing Bonding with adult children

Support Call 7-22-20

This Call Covers: Helping Teenagers with FOMO Healing relationships with older children Teaching good work ethic Correcting children when they get involved with morally questionable ideas Helping a spouse get refocused on TSG

Support Call 7-15-20

This Call Covers: What to do when your children are out of control, but still have appointments to go to How parents change for older children Helping older children develop social skills Mission-focused scheduling

