Support Call Archive

Support call 4-21-21

This call covers: Taking initiative to clean up messes. children getting left out of social situations. children not meeting goals. child being over emotional after a move. doing role plays. staying emotionally connected to our children and the expectation trap. child going out of control and then saying she is clam but then going right back out of control. what recourses to use to refresh our family on TSG

Support call 4-14-21

This call covers: Sneaking out and rebellious behavior. Homeschool help and seeking inspiration. Reading advise. 5 year old keeps going out of control.

Support call 4-7-21

This call covers: Finding the reasons behind wanting to change. Recommendations for teenager with executive function. Helping children stay calm and respectful. Kids that have questions about everything. Preparing kids for the summer social changes. How much you should be tolerating during school time. Goal setting in mentor meetings. More guidance for children all melting down at the same time. helping kids look toward the future and set goals.

Support call 3-31-21

This call covers: Socially balancing children. thoughts on colleges and how to pick one. Children out of instructional control for a long time, and often. staging calm in the middle of the night when kids wake up. Help with setting a lot of goals all at the same time. out of control children who are damaging property. preparing children for college.

Support call 3-24-21

This call covers: how to address self pleasure. Adult children claiming TSG is abuse. Thinking your 11 year old is overeating. Helping child with self harm. how to address when other people are gossiping. interrupting during a correction.

Support call 3-17-21

This call covers: Transitioning out of a soft hold. finding a balance with Covid rules. Talking about death, and how much to tell. social struggles when deciding to move. Excessive disagreeing appropriately.

Support call 3-10-21

This call convers: Finding values without religion. toys and play boundaries. what young men need socially. keeping yourself calm.

Support call 3-3-21

This call covers: How to handle adult brother visiting Developing a habit of praise. Getting calm. 2 year old negative attention seeking. Children getting off track during study time. Major maintenance and school management. Help staying happy. ODD versus strong willed.

Support call 2-24-21

This call covers: Knowing when children need their own room/space. When a child should be having less consequences. Time spent outside the home. Work versus play for young children. what to do when you weren't in the room for a fight. Help teaching empathy and belief in god to children with autism. what's included in the Peck cannon. how to bring up problems with adult aged children.

Support call 2-17-21

This call covers: Boundaries with 4year olds The sex talk Disagreeing appropriately with siblings homeschool schedule Staying with children at the calm down spot Adult child influencing other children in a way not wanted picking teachers for children helping young child learn to accept "no" without falling apart

