Support Call Archive

Support Call 11-27-2024

This call covers: * Modified Rule of Three in School Setting * Boyfriend’s Child * Helping Son to Develop Good Habits/Values * How to Not Power Struggle in the Rule of 3 * Extra Chores and a Loss of Privileges * Teen Bedtime Troubles * Getting Son and Husband to Help with House Chores * Teaching About Healthy Relationships * Price of Online Parenting Mastery * 7-Year-Old Brother being Violent to Younger Brother

Support Call 11-20-2024

This call covers: * To Praise or Not to Praise, and Academic Dishonesty * Getting Started * Nicholeen's Journey * Chores for Everything? * Turning 18 * Instruction/ Correction * Follow up from last week's question about ODD, Anxiety and School Attendance * Balancing Split Households and Inconsistent Parenting * Communication * Praising

Support Call 11-13-2024

This call covers: * Oppositional Defiance * Regression * Mentor Course * Anger Management Problems and Depression Meltdowns * Dealing With School Attendance Problems * Psychotherapy, Unclogging Toilets, and Modern Progressive Mom * Rule of 3 * Ignoring a Screaming Child * TSG Competency Without Getting Discouraged * Using TSG With Others' Children * Lack of Motivation to Learn

Support Call 11-06-2024

This call covers: * Mentor and Couples Meetings * Sarcasm * Modifying the ‘Rule of Three’ to Reduce Explosive Behavior Before Accepting Consequences * Asking for Suggestions on What to Pre-teach * Introducing TSG To A Teen * Conversation About Relationship Desires * Thanksgiving Family Vision * Son Unmotivated In School * Behavioral Rut On Vacation

Support Call 10-30-2024

This call covers: * Disagreeing Appropriately * TSG, Roles, and Homeschool * Calm Down Spot and Being Held * How Much Time Does an Only Child Need to Play with Friends * Child Over 18 * Tolerances * Out of Instructional Control * TSG for Schools * Car Ride With 18-Month-Old * Teen Daughter Going Against Family Morals * Trying To Achieve Too Much At Once

Support Call 10-23-2024

This call covers: * Rule of Three Modification * Indulging In Anger: Planned or Uncontrollable? * Eleven-Year-Old Biting * Bad Influences Within The Family * See A Need and Fill It * Feeling Detached * Careless Son

Support Call 10-16-2024

This call covers: * Rule of Three and Disagreeing Appropriately * Family Members Stuck in Victim Mode * Self Control * Family First, Then Friends * TSG and the Parent * Negative Influence From Friends * Distracted and Sleepy Teen Son * Self-Harming Teen

Support Call 10-09-2024

This call covers: * When To Seek Counseling or Medication for Anxiety * Romantic Relationship Training * Out of Control Son * Roles of Grandparents * Sibling Squabbles * TSG in Public * Google Sexual Materials * Struggling With Impulse Control * Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Rewards * Friend Catching On To TSG * Teaching Children About Money

Support Call 10-02-2024

This call covers: * Need Help With 14-Year-Old Daughter * Connect Method Parenting * Refusal To Talk To Parents * Not Succeeding With 11-Year-Old Son * Daughter Gets Discouraged Easily * 24-Hour Loss of Privileges * How To Help Spouse Teach Children Natural Consequences Of Messes Made * TSG In A Power Struggle * Smacking and Spanking * Rule Of Three Procedure * Am I Ready For The Mentor Training?

Support Call 9-25-2024

This call covers: * Aggression, Entitlement, Unpredictability * Expanding Technology Access for Near-Adult Child * Backtalk * Struggling with Naughty 5 year-old Daughter * Aggression Towards Siblings * Expectations For a 10-Month-Old * 12-Year-Old Daughter * 7-Year-Old Who Gets Distracted/Wanders Very Easily * Consequences * What Does a Mentor Do? * Success Story: A Choice * Calm Down Spot Question * No Answers for Parents * Book Recommendations * Meal Time * Disagreements With Attitude Problem * Explosive and Angry Son

