Support Call Archive

Support call 9-9-21

This call covers: Group dating, and talking to the other gender when young. Potty training, and child not caring when being corrected. Making house rules. can kids have different rules than parents? How to get a home schooler into collage. working on bonding. Working on self esteem.

Support call 9-1-21

This call covers: Friend versus family time. Young adult wanting to improve parent child relationship with clear boundaries. Family vision question. Daughter wanting eating disorder therapist. Earning positive consequences. 22 year old feeling to old for school and not knowing how to move on. Being exhausted with correcting all the time. Question about time frame for going out of control. How to teach understanding the times to my kids. Child not being able to process the rule of three but being to large to physically take to calm down spot. Children being competitive with each other ( "I'm better then you"). Motivating children to be ok at school without mom.

Support call 8-25-21

This call covers: Kids having a heard heart during corrections. Not wanting to give child money for school we don't like the values of. 3 year old having trouble with role play. What a fragile person looks like and how to handle it. Spanish second edition of house United. Doing TSG with friends. Young children not wanting to leave moms side. Fragile husband affecting daughters fragileness.

Support call 8-18-21

This call covers: Kids testing the system and earning lot of chores. Balancing friend time. Child "not caring" if they earn chores and being oppositional. Question about whining and craziness before bed. Helping children calm down from big emotions. 24 hours loss of privilege's seems overwhelming to my son. Not wanting to do the rule of three because son is always doing it. After calming down in the calm down spot son makes excuses why we was not calm. Girls having arguments about sharing a room. Question about personal healing. Children attending seminary. Encouraging husband to be kind to the children.

Support call 8-12-21

This call covers: Strong willed child melting down when he doesn't get what he wants. Book and movie recommendations. Consequence for hitting. Feeling overwhelmed with pre-teaching all the time. Thoughts on Kimber Academy. Children acting up when a new family member is added. Child feeling like being calm means not having emotions.

Support Call 8-4-21

This call covers: 23 month old not wanting to talk. Child leaving house without permission and it's not the first time. Child having something they are not supposed to. dealing with disappointment after having a life long dream. implementing chores. explaining entitlement. wanting to connect with a child who is isolating. children were doing good with TSG but are now testing the system. Bisexual son showing to much PDA around family. 5 year old with a temper. dipper change time.

Support call 7-28-21

This call covers: Concerned about being harmed by foster children. Earning privilege's back. Being passive aggressive toward husband. kids having free time while mom does chores. How to implement Self government with a toddler that we are taking custody of. Feeling like a servant to your Childs demands. Accepting a no for life no answers. Daily schedule. What to do when no-one knows who did it.

Support call 7-21-21

This call covers: basing your happiness on your Childs success. Principles for a family mission statement. Teens having FOMO. thoughts on different parenting ideas. prioritizing time with sports. keeping controversial conversations calm with adult children. help with dropping the subject. friend time. Child being oppositional about school.

Support call 7-7-21

This call covers: Rewards for chores (screen time) Disagreeing appropriately versus debating. Heart and manipulations in the rule of three. Feeling childish while correcting. 2.5 year old always out of control and not having the energy to teach her when she's in control.

