Support Call Archive

Support call 1-19-22

This call covers: Clarification between not engaging until calm and doing the rule of three. Son fearing a lot of things. Wanting to avoid a child. Dropping the subject after the rule of three. 7 year old not following rules and slamming doors.

Support call 1-12-22

This call covers: Son sneaking screen time. Child refuses to accept 24 hour loss of privilege's. Child using "baby voice" often. Rule of three question. Where to start when kids think they don't need TSG. Helping child cultivate work ethic and engage in work. Relationships and vision. Son possibly manipulating when going to calm down spot. Helping child with self esteem.

Supperot call 1-5-22

This call covers: Helping children to do their chores without being asked. Child consistently negative attention seeking in the mornings. When a child earns an extra chore but but they are not able to do it right then. blended family bonding. Fear of flying.

Support call 12-29-21

This call covers: Work and play described in detail. How to get the attention of a group without raising your voice. Can I use money from my HSA for self-government? Suggestions about sending our son to a treatment camp. Dropping the subject with my son addicted to porn. Son refusing to follow instructions.

Support call 12-22-21

This call covers: Setting boundaries with son that has a pornography problem. Online gaming addiction. Where extra chores come from. Child justifying behavior because she is the middle child. Autistic child taking a long time to accept his 24 hour loss of privilege's. More then one child not following instructions at the same time. daughter experimenting with being gay and I feel powerless. Rule of three question.

Support call 12-15-21

This call covers: No one will confess to missing money. Modifying the rule of three for a six year old. How to teach integrity to my kids that are in college. how to keep boundaries with adult children. Child being the biggest and hurting other children. Needing to refocus to be company in other's houses for Christmas.

Support call 12-8-21

This call covers: How to be a better support for child with dyslexia. Daughter being angry about going to see family. Young child not wanting to be touched. Pre planning for love of learning phase of TJEd. How did you balance Christmas and homeschool? What does it look like before the accept the lose of 24 hours? Having awkward silence with people and learning to accept that. Question about family work time.

Support call 11-30-21

This call covers: TJEd phases of learning. People getting worked up before bed. Truth of calm and lies of worry. Creating a vision for the siblings. questions about mentor sessions.

Support call 11-24-21

This call covers: Getting back on track with consistency, and media stuff. Setting a policy for car use with children. Helping child slow down and focus. Tantrums lasting up to two hours. Feeling like child is lying but not being 100% sure.

Support call 11-17-21

This call covers: Practicing calm down. Children feeling like robots because of TSG. Focusing during school time. Very emotional child screaming any time she is corrected. Potty training question. Question about emotions. Child going of with ex husband.

