Navigating values with a “Culture war” between parents

I have recently separated from my husband due to domestic abuse.  Although he seemed supportive of our homeschooling, homesteading lifestyle, and actually implemented “no TV” in our home himself before we had kids, there is now a significant change in values when he has the kids.  He has shifted from the dietary principles we followed for to solve health issues to a standard American/convenience diet that is causing problems especially for our 6 year old, and movies and TV series with values that are much more tolerant are now frequent fare, as well as communication that my values are ridiculous.

I realize that I cannot change what the kids experience when they are with their dad.  How can I most effectively share my values so that the kids (especially the younger ones who are 8 and 6) are likely to consider them through their teenage and young adult years.  I am concerned about natural consequences that are likely to have long-term negative consequences in their lives, especially in the areas of health and their marriage relationships.

