Initiating TSG…should I attack all behaviors at once??

I just finished the TSG Parenting Course.
Do I try to address ALL misbehaviors at the very start with both my kids?

Do I start by having them both watch the entire course with me?

My 14 yo girl has more rebellious behavior than my 15 yo son. A month ago I caught her sneaking out of the house 2 nights in a row. I discovered this when I found a boy running off my back deck at 6:10am.

My son feels he should have more social media time & gaming time than my daughter because he has not mistreated social media as badly as she has. He thinks he should have as much media time as he wants. He hates that I “baby” him and “don’t allow him to learn from his own mistakes.”

My son does plays football, works a landscape job & plays baseball this summer so he isn’t on media allll the time.

Still…I like the idea of media having limits.

Thanks for any advice!
Stephanie 😃

