
So, I have heard you say that when a youth earns chores or 24 hour loss of privileges that they should complete all their chores before they get a return of privileges and that they should complete the tasks immediately. I have also heard you say that youth should be working the entire time that they have a loss of privileges. I have also heard you say that you should spend time with the youth who are in instructional control and don't have any chores or loss of privileges. So, my question is: how do you spend time with the youth that are in instructional control and keep your youth who earned all the chores and consequences on task at the same time? I am really in a quandary because if I go off and spend time with the youth who are being fun, then the youth in question rarely says, in their mind, "I am going to get these consequences done and stay on task and work hard so that I can go have oodles of fun when my privileges are back!" The real thinking is probably more along the lines of: "Legos…..look out the window…..cute baby brother to play with……I'm hungry…..". I would love to say that my youth eagerly hop on each tiny chore I give them and checks back IMMEDIATELY after I give them a chore AND that I actually remember that I actually gave said youth the chore how ever many minutes ago, but, in reality, not only does the youth get distracted, but I get so caught up in my tasks and other youths that more what happens is, "oh my gosh has it really been over an hour since I asked ———- to go do xyz? I should ask if they did that." And go on to find them happily playing or reading and NOT doing the chore. That is for a single chore, the 24 hours thing is just a giant mess. I just feel like for them to not go on a million little adventures, I would have to follow them around to make sure that they were "working" the entire waking portion of their 24 hours and completing all their consequences. I would not only neglect the youth who are being fun, but I would end up helping the one with a loss of privileges with all their tasks just to speed things along myself so I can go make myself a latte because now I am feeling rather parched. Help.

