Chaos with spouse while implementing program

My husband & I recently started this journey. However, now it's insanely more mass chaos than calmness. My spouse lets the kids run wild. He says that he does not know everything, with the program and so says to give them whatever they want until he know it all. (Ages 2 & 3.) Before starting this journey & now, the kids have been acting up, but not as badly when it's just me around. The more that they are around my husband, the worse they behave! After they have been with him, I have to deprogram them. It's so bad that my parents, both sets of grandparents, & friends have shared their concerns to me that they notice the drastic changes in the kids if he's around. Over time, it's been harder to get them to behave as they scream for "Daddy" & go "I want Daddy!" As my husband is trying this program, he is allowing them to have whatever & scream for more now than he did before (although he did it a lot before but not to this level) & he feigns it is because he hasn't figured it all out yet or learned all the steps, & tells me that it's supposed to get way worse before it gets better. I do believe that change will be hard for all, but this is pure insanity! Both kids have not screamed even one time today when they have been with only me. On Sunday, when he was home all day, the 3 yr old screamed for about 45 minutes in various times! She screamed at me not to touch her (even though I was helping her) & screamed that "you're hurting me" to get attention. (I did not hurt her at all.) My husband gets upset at me because I don't want this chaos & insists that this is not okay. He tells me that I need to learn how to do it all exactly right before doing any thing. I don't have all of your steps down, but I do have the ability already to have calm kids that behave a majority of the time. Instead of screaming today while he was at work, the 3 yr old played nicely, asked to cuddle with me & asked if I was going to stay with her all day to which she cheered about when I said yes. She wasn't perfect, as she woke up her 2 yr old little sister early, however, she did lay down until it was time to get up as a consequence, & when she talked & earned herself an extra 5 minutes lay down time she just laid there. No screaming at all. However, the more that she is around my spouse, the more difficult out of control she is. My spouse gives in & gives the kids they want very frequently. I'm tired of being the bad guy because I insist they behave & have to listen to his excuses.

