A word of encouragement for those just starting


I felt compelled to share some of our family’s story & progress. Our story isn’t perfect, Lord knows that’s a fallacy, but it is honest and I hope it can help just one family struggling and serve a purpose. Our family’s story isn’t over either, so I ask for all your prayers for our continued growth towards love, support, encouragement, cooperation, respect, patience, wisdom, discipline and of course, SELF GOVERNMENT.

For parents out there who might be feeling frustration, anger, discouragement, strife at home, blamed or disrespected by your family, alone, not knowing what to do, who to turn to and maybe even hopeless….You are not alone and I have experienced all those things. Keep at it. As a message I heard once states, fake it til you become it. Maybe that sounds a bit superficial, but there’s some science to it & for me, the TSG scripts and skills, have allowed me to work towards that. They’ve give me a process and words to say, went I felt those emotions (and still do, even if to a lesser extent now than in the past). I’ve read TONS of books, & some really good ones, but TSG has by far been the most complete, principle-based, thorough, simple (not easy), grounded in biblical and real human experience & science.

I know I said I’d share a little bit of our story, but since I’ve got to be brief, suffice to say I used to choose to allow anger, resentment, frustration, anxiety, fear, social pressures and my ego drive my choices as a father and husband. Having children that began to become defiant, oppositional, angry, disrespectful was quite the challenge for me. Well, I did what most parents probably do. I looked for answers on how to change my family members! Of course, I’ve realized pretty clearly now, I needed self government & 4 basic skills more than anyone! If I expect my young children to learn and practice this stuff, I’d better be sure to! I mean I’m 47, they’re just kids! Now, I’m not saying it’s been easy (at all), but it’s been tremendously rewarding & I only wish I would’ve found this program years ago. I’m still dealing with opposition and defiance from my family, I still experience some of the emotions that used to drive my choices, but now I have a plan & each day I’m getting better at it! This is, as Nicholeen once said to me, ENDURANCE PARENTING.

I wish I could write more, hope this helps someone out there. Remember, success requires many steps, progress requires one. Keep taking 1 step as often as possible. God bless!

