2 year olds and self government

Hi Nicholeen,

I have been working with my son who recently turned 2 and seen some big wins with him starting to understand how to get calm, etc.. But wondered if you could give some direction on how to handle these situations:

He needs to stop doing something–doesn't want to come inside, has a sharpie in his hand, etc. I tend to pick him up, take the sharpie away, etc at this age and am wondering how to better give instructions and consequences. I'm having a hard time picturing how to do consequences with him.

Also sometimes he does really well in the calm down place, says calm and gives me a high five when he's calmed down. But sometimes he just gets angrier and wrestles to get away. Do I hold him in place? He usually shoots away and lays on the floor until he's distracted with something else.

Thanks so much!

