15 year old out of control

Our 15 year old son had an incredibly large outburst today because he was asking us a question about what his sister was saying about him and we told him that he shouldn’t worry about it. His sister was saying that he had broken a stress ball toy and we didn’t want the brother to get upset or a fight to be started so we told him not to worry about it. He got outraged by this and kept yelling at us and he demanded that we tell him what we were talking about. We remained firm in the fact that we had told him no, and that he needed to except and no answer, but he kept screaming and raged through the house. We tried to follow the system and tell him that he has earned a correction and he screams at us that he doesn’t care, and then he began running away and was outside of instructional control and we told him that he was going in the role of three we gave him a warning that if he goes into the rule of three that he wouldn’t be allowed to go to the Cardinal baseball game that he wanted to go to on Friday night as a birthday present. He has been stuck in his room the rest of the night and he’s saying that he’s never going to go and start his 24 hours my husband and I feel bad because the baseball game cost a lot of money and it was a birthday present for afraid that we are going to do the wrong thing by having him missed the ball game, on the other hand, we said that he should not go if he was in the rule of three so it is his choice. Should we let him go even if he hasn’t served his 24 hours?

