In this podcast, Nicholeen and Paije discuss the prevalent harm that mere suggestions can have on us as a society, but, more importantly, the minds of our children. Have you noticed that a lot of people tend to believe whatever they hear without challenging it against true principles? Have you overanalyzed something because of something someone said to you? Listen in for additional knowledge and insight into subliminal suggestions that are inundating our society!
Podcast 84 – Are Suggestions Hurting Our Children?

- Addictions, Adult Children, Adults, Age, Analyzing, Anxiety, Assertive Communication, Balance, Behaviors, Boundaries, Bullying, Consequences, Control, Culture, Dropping the subject, Expectations, Grandparents, Manipulation, Motivating and Inspiration, Negative attention-seeking, Relationships, Roles, Sibling Interactions, Skills, Social, Social Skills, Teens (Youth), Toddlers & Younger Children, Tone, Tweens, Urgency Addictions, Vision