In this podcast, Nicholeen and Paije discuss what to do when you’ve already done all you can to teach your children what they should do, then they choose another path. Did you do something wrong somewhere along the line? Do you feel like you failed as a parent? Listen in for some great tips of what you can do and for further understanding of your role as a parent!
Podcast 74 – When Your Best Doesn’t Seem To Be Enough: Coping With Others’ Choices

- Addictions, Adult Children, Adults, Age, Analyzing, Assertive Communication, Balance, Behaviors, Boundaries, Calm, Changing Hearts, Character Building, Consequences, Control, Couple Relationship, Depression, Dropping the subject, Encouragement, Entitlement, Expectations, Family Culture, Family Unity, Grandparents, Manipulation, Marriage Relationship, Micromanaging, Motivating and Inspiration, Recommended Sources, Relationships, Religious Troubles, Roles, Sharing Teaching Self-Government with others: How can I talk to others about TSG?, Skills, Social, Structure, Success Stories, Tone, Unity, Vision