In this podcast, Nicholeen and Paije discuss what to do when you’re wanting to implement Self-Government into your family, but you’re a single parent (or feel like you’re single parenting). Are you the only parent involved in your children’s lives right now? Are you struggling to get your spouse on board with a new parenting system? Whether you truly are on your own or just feel like you are, listen in for great insight and advice for how to skillfully navigate your situation!
Podcast 117 – Parenting On Your Own

- Adults, Age, Analyzing, Assertive Communication, Authority, Changing Hearts, Character Building, Common Vision Creation, Consequences, Couple Relationship, Emotions, Expectations, Family Culture, Family Economy, Family Unity, Health, Marriage Relationship, Motivating and Inspiration, Power Struggling, Priorities, Problem Solving, Relationships, Roles, Seek to Understand, Skills, Spouse, Structure, Tone, Unity