In this podcast, Nicholeen and Paije discuss skills and tips for getting children to go to bed and stay in bed. Do your children do all they can to stay up and out of bed? Do they have meltdowns before or sneak out after lights out? Listen in for help with those children who just won’t go to bed!
Podcast 113 – Getting Them to Go to Bed At Night

- Accepting No Answers and Criticism, Addictions, Age, Assertive Communication, Attitude, Bedtime, Begging, Behaviors, Calm, Correcting, Describe, Entitlement, Family Culture, Following Instructions, Lying, Manipulation, Media, Negative attention-seeking, No Answers, Pre-Teach, Skills, Structure, Teens (Youth), Toddlers & Younger Children, Tone, Tweens, Whining, Yelling