In this episode, Nicholeen and Paije discuss how Teaching Self-Government began and dive into some of Nicholeen’s childhood and early motherhood experiences. Have you ever wondered how Nicholeen got into all of this in the first place? Curious about the inspiration behind TSG? Listen in for some great stories and experiences!
Episode 141 – TSG Beginnings: A Nicholeen Peck Story

- Accepting No Answers and Criticism, ADHD, Adults, Analyzing, Assertive Communication, Attitude, Autism, Balance, Boundaries, Calm, Changing Hearts, Character Building, Common Vision Creation, Connecting (Looking in the eyes), Consequences, Control, Correcting, Culture, Describe, Disagreeing Appropriately, Dropping the subject, Emotions, Encouragement, Entitlement, Expectations, Family Culture, Family Unity, Following Instructions, Four Basic Skills, Gentle Parenting, Group Problem Solving, Micromanaging, Motivating and Inspiration, Mutual Respect, Neurodivergent, No Answers, ODD, Power Struggling, Praise, Pre-Teach, Priorities, Problem Solving, Respect, Roles, Rule of Three (ages 6-8+), Seek to Understand, Sharing Teaching Self-Government with others: How can I talk to others about TSG?, Skills, Social Skills, Structure, Success Stories, Teens (Youth), Toddlers & Younger Children, Tone, Unity, Vision, Work Ethic