Parenting Blog
Let’s be careful not to bully our children into not being bullies. In a recent Huffington Post article a mother talked about how she taught her daughter”to damn well treat people right.” (Sorry for the language. That washer exact quote.) In the article the motherthreatened her daughter with no ride to school if the daughter […]
We might think that teaching the Four Basic skills is mainly for the children. They're the ones who need them the most, right? Well, maybe adults need them just as much as the children do.
When I was about thirteen years old I was perfectly molded in the opinions of the current society. I had my life all planned out, and was sure that my plans were socially pleasing to all of my friends. I was also sure that my plans would ensure that I wouldn’t turn out like my […]
Faster isn’t always better. In a world of convenience and lack of time, great efforts have been made to save time and increase efficiency for us all. Innovators have created devices and processes that increase our quality of life and give us more time for the important things. But, faster isn’t better when people are […]
It really is shocking. Society is transforming tremendously fast. In the past 10 years the United States has become drastically divided as a nation on important issues like the value of life, the value of religious institutions and morals, and the value of the natural family — as well as what constitutes proper education. The […]
Recently I was invited to be a guest speaker on the Joyful Living Podcast with Quinn Curtis. The presentation was completely new and really spontaneous! I think you will like it. Some of the topics covered are: Entitlement issues in children What joyful living looks like How to balance home life and work or other […]