The Value and Mastery of Emotions (3 Hour Event)

Taught by Nicholeen Peck
I think many people assume that when a person is self-governed that means they treat emotions as bad things. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Emotions are an important part of us and our relationships and can even draw us closer together. But, they can also fracture families and create disconnections. In this 3 hour event I’ll help you finally fully understand emotions and how to use them to connect with others as well as how to make sure they don’t put you and your family in emotional bondage. A self-governed person should be the very best at sharing and understanding emotions. At this event, I’ll give you the training you need to do that for yourself and your family.
Key Topics To Be Discussed:
How emotions tie into TSG
Quick review of basic TSG principles (for newbies)
How to improve your emotional intelligence
Improving understanding and bonding at your house
Combatting emotional overload
Understanding the difference: feelings vs emotions
How to change your brain paths
Know the benefits of emotions
Creating an environment that is emotionally comforting and healthy for your family
How to make an feelings finder & action plan
When: Friday, February 19th from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm MST

