The TSG Circle Training Is Ready
On this call I shared 10 Steps for setting up your TSG Group as well as a better understanding of why groups are so important.
Thanks for being part of this mission with me. The world is changing one family at at time!
Here are the notes from this training:
#1 Plan the details
A day (regular TSG Circle recommended once a month but pioneer group will meet twice a month to meet launch deadline)
Food or not (Possiblya quarterly time for food.)
Who will lead when (Rotate)
#2 Invite
Think about the people you want to help
Consider size (20 people max recommended – Split if it is too large)
Who will you invite? (couples, women, etc.)
What are the needs of the people you see?
How do you find people?
Church congregations
Family or friends who support you in raising your family
Start with 1 and keep inviting
TSG Website (In the future)
#3 Assign the reading (one month ahead of time if possible)
After your first meeting, send out the next assignments within a few days to get ready for the next month.
#4 Everyone reads the article ahead of time and prepares
Add depth to your understanding; make connections to your life; apply the principles and see what more you learn
#5 Send out a reminder email a 2-3 days before (schedule this on your planner to remind you!)
Within 24 hours after group discussion, send out the assignments for next month (step #3)
#6 Pray personallybefore the meeting
To be inspiring you must be inspired. Truth must prevail.
#7 Gather
Have a group prayer
Welcome community
#8 Discuss (the moment it all leads up to)
5 Ways to Start a Discussion:
Each person takes a turns leading off
Read a quote and go
Each person brings with them 2 questions for the topic (share question(s) in opening with a partner)
Each person share your biggest ah-ha
Share a TSG success story / a moment of victory
#9 Rules for a good discussion
If you are leading, try not to talk too much. If you are a talker, choose your words carefully to allow the spirit of truth to be heard.
Set the ground rules. This is great for the first meeting. (Pre-teach how you want it to go) Suggestions on TSG Circles Training.
Appreciate the differences
It's okay to say “I don't know”. Let's ask that question in the Support Group call.
Restate what people say to show you value what they said. Praise and acknowledge! Show you value them!
“A person that gives praise is a very powerful person. Confident people praise.”
Bring it back on course if you get too far off the beaten path (Be Assertive)
Really truly seek to understand the other people. Don't judge. Value them and see the good (in YOU and in them)
Acknowldge & Praise. (This is a sign of true confidence.)
Setting Goals (Quantify it. Put a number and action that you control. Not the result you will create.)
Ask your group if they want to be accountable to report on their goal.
Have a social occasionally to make a full community