LDSHE West Conference

Dreaming of the perfect homeschool is every homeschool mom’s delight, and herfrustration. Inspiring our families in their education can be a challenge. How can we create the educational environment we dream of?

We have been planning a conference that can help! We’re pulling together some of the most influential and inspiring home education speakers for two fabulous days of presentations. Join Angela Baker, Jenny Phillips, Nicholeen Peck, Karen Rackliffe, Janice Campbell, Kari Brimhall and many more excellentpresenters as they speak on helping children connect with the beauty in life through their education. These speakers understand the challenges facing homeschool moms, and will help us “Dream, Create and Inspire” our homeschools.

  • Are you just getting started homeschooling and have questions? Our Thursday Beginners’ track is for you. This track will help answer all your questions and prepare you to start your adventure. You don’t want to miss it!
  • High school is a big milestone and can create fear in the hearts of homeschool moms everywhere. Our Friday High School track will answer your questions about why you should homeschool high school, what to know about building transcripts, preparing your child for college and more!
  • Is teaching science a challenge for you? Or do you love science and want more ideas for inspiring your children? Dr. Jay Wile is the one to help. He is well known for his engaging science blog, conference presentations and curriculum. He is bold in tying religion and science together. We are excited to welcome him to our conference!
  • Do you need more help in implementing a particular educational philosophy in your homeschool? We have classes on Unit Studies, Classical Education, Charlotte Mason and more!
  • Don’t forget to attend our Mentor Mom classes. These classes are our most popular and are taught by homeschool moms who are in the trenches of schooling just like you. You will hear true-to-life information and methods that have worked for them and hopefully can help you with your family, too. Watch for the Mentor Mom symbol on the schedule.

