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Parenting in a Tech/Sexual World

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Dear Fellow Parent,

Without a doubt, the most difficult part of parenting in this day and age is deciding how to handle the digital and sexual world that is knocking on the doors of our homes. How do we help our children prepare for the real world? When temptations come, how do they learn how to self-govern themselves on devices? Is there a way to have self-government and a cell phone during childhood? How can parents navigate this socially and emotionally charged world of sex and technology while protecting the hearts of their children?

Protecting the innocence of children and preparing them for digital self-government is possible!

This one-day, online seminar is focused on understanding the little-understood elements of the tech/sexual world. This will help parents know how they can keep their children safe. Learn how to set up the proper home environment for protecting and freeing your family from digital and sexual addictions that are so prevalent today.

What would it be like if you had a relationship with your children where they could trust you with anything? What if they came to you for help every time they had a question, concern or struggle?

What would that mean when they found a pornographic website while searching for a school project?

What if your child seemed to stop making friends in person and started finding connection solely via video games or social media?

Those things are going to happen — and in many cases have already happened — to your child.

I think you and I know that in today’s world something needs to be done to to help children when — not if — the above happens. You may have wondered some of the following yourself:

  • How can I address the subject of sexuality with my children in such a way that they understand clearly between what’s right and what’s portrayed in the media or via technology?
  • Do I understand how addictions to video games and social media start, and how often they lead to sexual content?
  • What can be done to protect my family from unwanted intrusions?
  • Where is the balance between setting strict limits on technology use and trusting them to make good choices?
You’re not alone in this.

I’ve wondered the same myself. Through many years of experience and helping hundreds of families with similar questions, I’ve created a proven system for helping any family build a relationship of trust and openness around the technology in our lives. This allows families to use the tools available to them for good, and completely avoid the bad.

Let me tell you what I’ve done…

I’ve created a system to teach families how to self-govern their use of technology so that when temptation or addictive tendencies arises, each family member knows exactly how to avoid it. Not only that, but how to build the kind of trust within the family so that if someone is struggling, they feel safe enough to communicate the struggle with openness.

You’ll learn exactly how to do that in this special video seminar titled, Parenting in a Tech/Sexual World.

Please join me for this one-day recorded video seminar where you’ll learn the following:

  • How to not only feel comfortable talking with your children about the subject of sexuality as portrayed by the media/technology, but also be able to set the record straight as to what it should be.
  • How to help your children understand the potential danger of technology addiction and have a desire to avoid it.
  • Where and how digital or sexual addictions start, how the content is found, and how it can be addressed.
  • How to create a system of accountability that children willingly abide by.
  • How to honor and build your children’s trust in you.
  • Knowing the balance between trusting your children’s choices and setting limits on technology use.

What would it mean if you could master even one of the above? What kind of difference would it make in your family? If the answer matches your goals for your family, I invite you to get this online seminar now. Get ready to build a strong foundation of trust within your family.

I do this because I know how much it matters.

So many cases of addiction could have been avoided if the addict could have simply felt safe to express his/her situation before it became a serious problem. I want to be clear on this: in so many cases, if the parents aren’t aware of what is happening, their children are ALREADY experiencing addiction and don’t know what to do about it!

I don’t want that to happen to your family, and I know you don’t either. You have the power to change the entire culture of your family and make a stand amidst the constant push of technology and twisted messaging.

You can do this. You can write a new legacy for your family.

Join me for this online seminar that all families need. Click the link now to get started.

— Nicholeen

Getting Ready For This Class

This is a recording of the full-day online seminar we held in April 2018. Once you purchase, you can return to this page to get access to the video recordings. You can watch it all at once in a single day, or break it up over as many days as you need. There are 4 parts of about 2 hours each. It’s recommended that you at least watch one part per sitting, so plan accordingly.

What’s included in the class:

  • Deeper understanding of the tech/sexual problem facing our children.
  • How to prepare your child to live clean/free and safely use technology.
  • How to create a safe family culture for overcoming addiction.
  • How to talk to your children about these issues.
  • A family system for using devices properly.

How to prepare for it:

  1. Determine how many hours per week each family member is on digital devices.
  2. Make a list of what you want to get out of the class, as well as questions you currently have.
  3. Make sure you have a good internet connection that you are able to stream long videos on!