Here are a selection of Principles to look through in case you have a hard time coming up with them on
your own. As you read these, I am sure you will start to think of your own foundational principles. All
these are not mine, but feel free to use them: Star the five which are the most meaningful to you and
then compare lists with your spouse.
Thou shalt not steal.
Thou shalt not commit adultery.
Those shalt not lie.
Play fair.
Be nice.
Never forget a debt; always forgive a debtor.
A stitch in time saves nine.
Love thy neighbor as thy self.
Love thy God as thy self.
Be tolerant of your friends’ and neighbors’ faults and weaknesses.
Look for the best in others, not the worst.
Never miss the opportunity to do someone a kindness; always skip the opportunity to be unkind and
cause someone pain.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Be compassionate.
Honesty is the best policy.
Accept your self and others
practice prudence
live the essence of respect
practice humility
be diligent in all you do
A good listener is a great friend
refinement in action and thought
self control is the only real control you can have
rejuvenate each day with some peace and quiet
Schedule time, not content
Don’t sling mud
Give more than is expected from you
offer the shirt off your back
live the essence of the golden rule
Don’t covet what isn’t yours
accept apologies graciously
open your heart
speak with your actions
use your talent
balance your life
Take some “me” time
Open yourself up to others
Think of others before yourself
Be yourself
Believe in miracles
Relax and enjoy
Laugh until it hurts regularly
Trust in God
Trust in each other
Give the benefit of the doubt
Patience is a sign of love
Say it like it is
Wear your personality on your shirt sleeve
Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
Measure twice, Cut once
Who needs directions?
There is a right way to do everything
devote time
focus your attention
honor thy commitments
develop a sustainable pace
keep moving forward
Work cures selfishness
Feel good. Now.
Pray Awalys
Put your shoulder to the wheel
simple not complex
quality not conformity
If you put God first, everything else falls into place
This list could go on and on. Keep thinking if your principles are not listed here