Neurodivergent daughter loves the Rule of Three!

Our daughter is 7 1/2. We started TSG a couple of months ago and it has been going really well. My daughter is neurodivergent and the structure of the system has really helped her. However, I have two questions about her.

On the one hand, she does really well with corrections all day long, but after around 4pm, I can tell that she is just too mentally tired to do TSG. Even when I am calm and consistent, she gets out of instructional control on a near daily basis, especially as we approach bedtime. Then she’s too tired to do anything such as a major maintenance. The way I have been working around this is just giving her lots of pre-teaching, but even that doesn’t help when she’s too tired. So sometimes I will tell her before dinner that if she gets out of instructional control, and we have to start the rule of three or if we earn a major maintenance, then she will get her dinner, then have to go straight to bed, and then have to do her correction in the morning when she is fresher. Inevitably, she performs it really well in the morning. But that does not always work with my schedule as I have four other kids and work part time, and I also don’t feel like I’m getting the correction done right away so sometimes I forget, etc.
To complicate issues, she seems to love the structure of correction so much that she almost craves them. She especially loves sodas exercises. So I find myself very frequently, and on bad days constantly, in corrections with her. I don’t know if I am doing something wrong or if this is normal for kids who are neurodivergent.
I have talked to her a lot about how she is welcome to do sodas exercises whenever she wants to, and she doesn’t have to get into a correction to do them. I’ve also told her that I really like spending time with her, but I don’t love doing corrections with her and I would rather her not get into corrections and then we could spend our time doing something more fun.

Although I definitely feel like I already need refresher course, I do feel like I have been sticking to the scripts and systems pretty accurately, so that’s why I think the issue must be with her and not with me not doing things correctly. The only time the system “fails” in general is when I get lazy and don’t follow through on things, but I don’t think this is the issue with my daughter , and my other kids are not having the same problems. Thanks! (PS, if you don’t get to my question tomorrow, am I allowed to resubmit it the following week?)

