Mother daughter relationship

Good morning, I was in the car with my daughter-Sue- and I was encouraging her and recalling a time that she stood up for herself and didn’t let girls say mean things to her. I was telling her when and who ( but wasn’t able to say it in detail because Its been a while and I forgot) but I told her that I remember it happening because I even told grandma- my mom about it- and how I was so proud of her!
This is when she said of “course you did.” I know you told her you didn’t even have to mention that you did!
Now I’m not sure why but she says it like it’s a negative thing and then that bothers me. I’ve told her before that I tell my mom lots of things since I was little and even to this day.
The issue here is that I’m not sure how to have her see it be a good thing so she would do the same.

the other thing is that sue used to tell me lots of things about her life ( she’s almost 13 now) but then she doesn’t do that as much. My sister told me that her daughter and mine talked and sue told her that she used to tell me everything until one day she went on my phone and saw that I was texting my sister about her and that’s when she stopped telling me things.
Sue has mentioned something like that before of course in a negative way saying “oh of course you’re going to tell aunt about this”or “ you’re just doing that because aunt taught you to”
I responded with I don’t know everything and I ask my sister whom I trust for advice.
We end up sitting in the car silently. If I try to ask her things about her day or time with friends I get “ I don’t know” or “ I forgot”
I’m not sure how to to get my relationship with her to be better and for her to see that telling cousins/ friends everything is not ideal and she should come talk to me.
Thank you and God Bless

