Gentle Parenting versus TSG

My wife and I have engaged a new therapist recently and she was upfront with the fact that she subscribes to the Gentle Parenting philosophy and views parenting through that “lense”. She doesn’t incorporate faith into her and was upfront about that as well. My wife has been permissive and I more authoritative and am trying to unite with her more and incorporate TSG into our parenting but have struggled to get my wife on board. I am thrilled that she has opened up to therapy again, because I believe in the process and feel she also needs it as she has struggled with anxiety with the struggles we’ve had with our 16 year old son Daniel who has struggled with ODD tendencies, anger, aggression, verbal disrespect/aggression, and dangerous online activities (what I feel became an addiction pretty clearly).

I guess my question is, how would you describe gentle parenting and how different is it from TSG?

Thank you!!

