Marriage re-engagement

I am now at the stage of re-engaging with my husband after a 3 year absence of all communication.
The reasons for our separation were not of my doing as the law of the land must be kept or suffer the consequences.
But 'no communication' was of my choosing (and has only been for the last year), as there were other things wrong also.
I am wondering if you have any pointers or advice for someone who believes it is time to give another chance but is also 'afraid to test the waters'.
Having been sexually abused when I was young and feeling that my husband never wanted to understand or accept the impact that has had on me, (also affecting how I felt about intimate issues in my marriage which increased the impact on me) I'm now desperate to know if he has changed or if he wants to understand me now.
Sorry for 'going on' about this, I just feel very unsettled about how to go about this next phase.
Any help would be much appreciated.

