Hi Nicholeen, do you have any suggestions on how to keep a clean home? I've tried different ways on getting my 4 children to be motivated, especially these 2 years of doing Teaching Self-Government, to do their part but it ends with them not doing it and me telling them. There's still a consistent cycle of pushback and useing time as a means of not doing the task immediately and the 2 extra chores and rule of 3 to just sit there to relax/play until after a while or hours I say you did not check back. There's so much to tell them as far as their own chores and what i need help with and they're so unmotivated it's exhausting. With me still sick with all the things I have, cleanliness has really gone by the wayside. We have 4 cats and 1 dog and things really need to be pristine to keep any and all litter concerning germs cleaned up. They each got their own kitten at one point in their lives and are in charge of their litter boxes and time and time again we've gone over and over how to keep a clean litter box but they are just not motivated to a high cleaning standard but just good enough; we talk about doing an honest job. This week they had a doctor appointment and have some health related issues we believe is from the cleanliness of the home because you know a cat jumps in a litter box and then out to the rest of the house and I just really need to be up cleaning but I'm in bed too much of the time and can barely make meals. I ask a lot of their help for that. The fact their health is at risk is not motivating. The fact that we do dates with mom and dad and family activities and positive consequences all the time they aren't interested in any positive consequence to motivate them to do an honest job with cleaning. Whatever positive consequence I suggest they politely say no to it lol. I think it's because they might be thinking they'll just wait on whatever other fun thing will come up to enjoy. We have a real laziness issue in the home and I know I'm giving an example to that because I'm sick. I feel guilty about it. Thank you for your help.