Sleep Schedule

My children spend Friday and Saturday with their dad. They often come home late Sunday morning because Dad misses his alarm from staying up late.

Electronic use is also unsupervised at his home. Aside from what they could be accessing, it is severely impacting their sleep schedule. I understand I have no influence over these choices.

However, my children crash on Sunday. They come to church, but sleep through it. I am also frustrated that I have reserved Sundays and Monday evenings as family time with my children. I teach private music lessons Tuesday-Thursday evenings for needed income so my time with them those nights is limited.

My children are ready to crash again after school again Monday evenings.

I am writing this at 4:30 Monday morning after having spent much of night awake nursing my youngest, who slept through dinner, and trying to help my 7-year-old daughter get back to sleep because she's been ready to be awake since 3am.

I also work as a crossing guard in 3 different posts and value being alert during my shifts.

I would appreciate some suggestions of what I can do to help my children address this problem–so we can improve Our family time and function better in our responsibilities.

