In signing up as a TSG Learning Circle Leader &/or TSG Learning Circle member, you agree to the following terms:
1. Teaching Self Government (TSG) Circles have been created to help individuals and families become more self-governing. A TSG Circle, though supported by our organization, does not represent or speak for Nicholeen Peck, Teaching Self Government. All opinions and ideas shared by individual group members or TSG Circle Leaders are the sole responsibility of the individual.
2. As a TSG Circles Leader and/or TSG Circles member, you understand & agree that any & all experiences of/at the TSG Circle meetings, are the sole responsibility of the TSG Circle participants, and not of Nicholeen Peck, Teaching Self Government.
3. In order to remain true to the purpose and function of the TSG Circles created by Teaching Self Government, each TSG Circle Leader will establish their group by following the guidelines explained in the TSG Circle Leader Kit.
4. The TSG Circle Leader will enquire, direct if necessary and reasonably ensure, that each TSG Circle participant in attendance has remitted the proper TSG Circle membership fee.
5. TSG Circle participants (leader & members) agree to show their support of the TSG program by voluntarily responding to occasional emails sent by Nicholeen, and/or her TSG Circles Director, requesting information & feedback regarding the TSG Circle program and materials.
6. TSG Circle participants (leader & members) agree to abide by copy and intellectual property rights, by refusing to unlawfully distribution TSG or TSG Circle materials, and direct any parties interested in starting a TSG Circle, to personally register and receive the TSG Leaders Kit & other pertinent materials, directly from the TSG website,
7. If there are problems with the program or materials, or challenges in abiding by the above Terms and Conditions, the TSG Circle Leader will immediately notify Teaching Self Government.