Popular Nicholeen Peck Quotes

“…traditions make us who we are. They teach us what the “good life” looks like and create feelings of unity and love which instills desires for more family experiences and deeper relationships. Traditions give us hope for our futures.”

“Love of country is not enough. To be a patriot a person must be more concerned for the welfare of the country than for his own welfare or life.”

“We live in times where fighting is inevitable. There are two sides, goodness and truth, and apathy and complacency. I call the first side greatness and the second side mediocrity. This is the fight and I am doing all I can as a mother to make sure the first side wins.”

“Children don’t need a hotline to talk to; they need a parent.”

“Love your children more than your ego. Love your children enough to allow them to progress through childhood as non-perfect beings, who are a work in progress, just like you are.”

“The person who spends the most time with your child will have themost influence upon your child’s decisions in the future.”

“A hero is someone who conquers their fears and problems along a difficult journey, and then turns around and helps you along the way.”

“Build family memories, because no one else will!”

“A mother is a person who, seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie.”

“This Mother’s Day don’t forget to honor your motherfor her role and her power. And, if you are a mother, magnify your power like never before.”

“Each mother is a mother of the year if they want to be. The mother of the year aware isn’t really something that is given to a mother. It is something she focuses on becoming each minute of the day.”

“Don’t try to be like someone else oryou will drown. God gave you the perfect personality to lead your children to their greatness.”

“The feeling a person has in their heart when they speak the words of gratitude is so connective, so life changing, and so loving that the people who are part of the powerful interchange will never see each other the same again.If either one of the people ever has a moment of failure in the future, the other will give them the benefit of the doubt and buoy them up because they have seen the goodness of their friend and know them to be valuable despite the mistake.”

“…if we all treated each other like friends instead of siblings, we would all be much nicer to each other.”

“…if a person decides to take a step outside their comfort zone to work toward a vision, then amazing things are bound to happen.”

