
Podcast 44 – Making Christmas Memorable

In this podcast, Nicholeen and Paije discuss how self-government principles apply to Christmas and holiday times. Many personal traditions and stories are shared, along with one of their favorite Christmas stories. Traditions provide moments to anticipate and are what make certain days special. Need more ideas for traditions for your family? Listen in!

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Family Traditions that Bind or Break or Unity for Christmas

Family traditions instill personal and family identity and bind families together throughout their many phases of growth and change. After children and grandchildren are grown and gone off to live their adult lives, the traditions remain as reminders of the sweetness of home and family, what is most important in life, and who they really

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Strong Families Create a Halloween Sanctuary for Children

When today’s parents were children, the costume was all about sticking out individually. But today’s young people and families are leaning more and more toward theme costumes. Why is this? Well, modern youth and families are more about togetherness than their parent’s generation. Also, the youth seem to recognize the power of community and/or the

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