parenting tip


Do As I Say, Not As I Do. Parenting Radio!

Recognizing good parenting principles is the easy part! Actually living them is something else entirely.

I know none of us want to admit it, but it is really easy to become a lazy mother or a lazy father in today’s fast paced society. What can we do to keep in touch with our own parenting?

In this conference call segment I talk about the most popular kind of parenting in the world today; pedantic parenting.

Do As I Say, Not As I Do. Parenting Radio! Read More »

Problem Solving with Children ~SODAS

Here is a link to a great idea on how to teach SODAS, or problem solving exercises.  Have a SODA party.  Alison, aka mommymita blogger, posted a great idea with pictures of how she and her children used SODAS today.  Thanks for the success story and the fun idea with photos! 

Here is the link: 

It’s never too early to teach your children to look at all sides of a situation and recognize there are always multiple disadvantages and advantages to any decision you make. 

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My problem is that I never can think of appropriate consequences when my kids misbehave. Do you have any suggestions? I have five children ages 9-18. Thanks, Amy

Consequences can be difficult to think up, but the trick is to only do it one time.  A parent who has to reinvent the consequence every time a lesson needs to be taught will come across as uncertain and flustered.  Have a plan.  Parents who have a plan are more secure to be around and will be more respected by their children. 

     My rules for consequences are these:

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