parenting advice


A Mother’s Gift – 15 Minutes That Changed My Life

Tribute To Mothers Is there a more selfless person than a mother? From sun up to sun down mothers are serving their families, communities, church groups, schools, and neighbors. My mother was not perfect, but I remember her striving for perfection every day. She was constantly cleaning, gardening, canning, making food like home-made bread and […]

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Teaching Children Respect: 2 Videos of Disagreeing Appropriately

These videosof two cute children were sent to me by another amazing parent who has taught her children to love practicing good behaviors. The more children practice the right way, the more the right way will happen when it isn’t practice time. The second video is of a girl who used to have major tantrums all the time.

Smart Five Year Old! And, cute Tiger!!!


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video game boy

Video Games Addiction: They Are Asking for Help

“How do you parent a child who is red/yellow when you are a white/blue? My son and I are so entirely different and he’s so impulsive (almost destructive) that it completely shakes my world. I often find him sneaking downstairs and turning on the Wii (which we only permit on Friday and Saturday as a privilege).

Video Games Addiction: They Are Asking for Help Read More »

angry little boy

Lying, Stealing, and Negative Attention Seeking

10 Years Old And Needs Calmness

“I love your book. In many ways, your book has helped our family. I am faced with a situation that I don’t know what to do about….My son is 10 years old and we have had him since he was a couple of days old. From a very young age he was incredibly difficult to deal with. He constantly seeks our attention. He steals, lies, destroys property, etc. We have alarms on all food and expensive items. He loses 24 hours of privileges at least once a week, often more than that. We were excited one week when he made it 5 days in a row without losing 24 hours. I have really given several parenting books/programs extremely good efforts to no avail. BCLC was the first time we saw hope but I found that he really needed consequences. We’ve been doing your program for a bit and while we are seeing some things really change, others are not changing. It doesn’t seem to matter how many times we do the same thing over and over, he still thinks a different outcome will happen.”

Trust In The Process

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Family Meetings :Parenting Tips

Sometimes I get some stories sent to me which simply must be shared.  I would love to share one with you today.  This is a great family meeting success story which had me sweating for a few seconds:

We even had an emergency family council the
other day.  The kids didn’t really believe me that I was waiting for them to
come up with a solution.  I told them that I was pretty sure that the
situation wasn’t going to change because I was the one paying the price.  So
after I realized my mistake, I called the council to change that.  Finally
one of the kids said, “Well, ten lashes then.”  I asked for other
suggestions and there weren’t any

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KJZZ Morning Show This Friday

If you are up to watching television this Friday, May 14,  from 9-10 in the morning, Spencer and I will be appearing on channel 14 in Utah and surrounding areas.  The call station is KJZZ 14.  We will be featured in two segments on parenting.  This month we are talking about teaching our children how to accept no answers. 

Tell your friends about the show.  Maybe they will want to see who I am and benefit from our time in the telelvision station.

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Mother’s Day Miracle: My Story

When I was about thirteen years old I was perfectly molded in the opinions of the current society. I had my life all planned out, and was sure that my plans were socially pleasing to all of my friends. I was also sure that my plans would ensure that I wouldn’t turn out like my mother, who at the time was a person I didn’t really care about pleasing that much. You got it, I was a run of the mill, know it all and going to do it better than my parents, teenager. The only problem was, I didn’t really know what better meant because I was only seeing the popular social perspective.

Mother’s Day Miracle: My Story Read More »

Problem Solving with Children ~SODAS

Here is a link to a great idea on how to teach SODAS, or problem solving exercises.  Have a SODA party.  Alison, aka mommymita blogger, posted a great idea with pictures of how she and her children used SODAS today.  Thanks for the success story and the fun idea with photos! 

Here is the link: 

It’s never too early to teach your children to look at all sides of a situation and recognize there are always multiple disadvantages and advantages to any decision you make. 

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Television clips from today ~Parenting Tips

Today we had a great day with Debbie and Ron on The KJZZ morning show hosted by KUTV2 news station.  Below are the links to the two segments we appeared in.  Today’s topic was consequences and how to choose them. 

Segment one:

Segment Two:

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Nicholeen and Spencer Peck on TV

This Friday, March 12,  Spencer and I will be featured to appear again for two segments on the KJZZ morning show.  This show airs in Utah on channel 14 from 9 – 10 in the morning.  This Friday’s topic is going to be using consequences appropriately.

They have asked us to appear each month for two segments on parenting.  At this point we have been told we will always appear on the second Fridays of the month.  If you have friends who could be helped from the things we teach you may want to refer them to the show.  It is our hope that many families will benefit from the principles we know as

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Are You In Crisis?

The first page of Parenting A House United says:

“Is your home in crisis? Do your children never do what they are told? Do you find yourself completely overwhelmed and hating to interact with your children? Do your children treat you with disrespect and cause contention at home? Are you out of control of your emotions as a parent too? If any of these descriptions sound like your house, then you might be in crisis and you will definitely benefit from reading this book. It is written for you. This book is also written for people who don’t want to ever have a home like I have described above and for parents who want to have an effectively communicating family right from the very beginning of parenthood.”

If you consider yourself or your family in a crisis situation where you need a few quick tools to start changing things immediately at home then this post is for you. Thousands of people have bought the book at this point and some need to start implementing things before they have even read the whole book. Below are a few key chapters to read immediately to start making some useful changes before diving in and reading the whole book.

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