We go to a homeschool community once a week. Classical Conversations (CC) operates on a 3 year cycle so every 3 years it loops back around. This is our 5th year so our 8 year old son knows the material very well. He enjoys it and has always participated enthusiastically. Class time is divided into six 30 minutes chunks of fun activities. Declan’s fun teachers have always enjoyed his energy and love for learning.This year we have a 1st time tutor-mother who is new to CC. She is shy, quiet, has a PhD and taught in colleges. Her children (12,8,5&2) are very quiet & reticent. We mothers usually stay in the class but this year I had to substitute teach other classes for 3 weeks. Apparently, Declan talked over the teacher, made jokes and led the other 7 eight year old kids to be rowdy. We corrected him but it got worse. On week 3, we applied the rule of 3 when we got home. He lost his privileges for 24 hours, did SODAs&chores. When I came in to be with my son on the 4th and 5th week, the teacher, she talked about her expectations for 20 minutes, and it was tense. I was an experienced public school teacher and teacher trainer. I saw during the activities that the tutor has poor classroom control in managing 6 energetic boys and 2 girls. She then put a check mark next to each child’s name for misbehaviors. After 3 checks, the child is sent out of class for the rest of the day. I watched my son who’s a verbal processor and an eager learner be the only kid kicked out of class both weeks for impulsively speaking about the topic at hand, being fidgety or talking to another student. I had a hard time correcting him those 2 weeks because I was asked by our director to support her and help teach. At the same time I was paralyzed with shame at my son’s new ‘misbehaviors’. I took him out of class many times to correct him to accept no answers. As we were snuggling before sleep last night, my son explained why he made jokes, “Mom, I saw my classmates looking sad and depressed because the teacher was not fun, so I tried to make the class happier. But I feel sad because the teacher thinks I’m doing the wrong thing and kicked me out. Now I feel I’m a bad kid.” Should I leave the program or use this as opportunity to teach Declan self control? I had originally intended to skip CC this year and stay home reading character building books. We are also busy with competitive swim practice 3x/wk, adventure homeschool club on Wednesdays, run club on Friday. Thank you for your help!