Screen time issues

Hi Nicholeen,

my 11 year old would not turn off the screen. I gave him the instruction ( and even a 10 mins heads up). He still chose not to follow through . instead he replied with a no answer and continued watching the tv. (although he knows the skills and steps) we’ve also practiced many times prior. However, he just continued on… He earned both chores and
I went through the rule of 3 script. Advised him on his 24hr loss of privilege. The tv screen finally went off (I had to disconnect it from my app), but after 20 mins … he found his tablet and begin using it. Ignoring the fact all screens were a no answer. What do u do at this point? Do we wait until he decides upon himself to turn it off ? I know if I go and remove the tablet myself thats inviting a power struggle.

What part of the program am I missing here? Thanks

At this point, I do plan to remove all screens completely.. until we see it doesn’t have such a hold. However my question then would be. When it goes to the rule of 3 (bc he won’t like screens now being a no answer for a while ) . However, if there are no screen privileges .What will the 24 hours loss of it mean?

Thanks for your help

