School and Consequences.

Hi Nicholeen,
We are trying to implement the Self-Government in our house. It has been challenging for us because our boys are about to turn 14 and 12 and we wanted to ask you if we need to put in a visible place a list of Consequences associated with behaviors, also if I can relate the academic performance with chores or what other thing we can do.
Let's say for tardies to classes, not complete or fail assignments, interrupting class talking with friends, poor performance and things of this nature. I can not mention to them every single behavior and consequence associated, and how can we handle that?. Our elder kid is not trouble maker or anything (never in a fight) but he can use words and profiles of people who indicate the opposite like a Gang member and I think it could be to intimidate others around and avoid any bully issue putting a wall of protection.
Also related to the phone use, what could be the consequence for bad words used in the chat with friends.

Thanks very much.

