Hormonal Struggles

In your book (or one of the courses?) you noted that your mother had some hormonal issues going on that attributed in part to her struggles in parenting you. I have read the book, and used a number of other resources, and I can’t help coming back to that thought as I fail again and again. When I am in certain stages of my cycle, I feel like I can handle any parenting situation calmly. However, I am pregnant with my 6th child in 6 years. My hormones are all over the place, and especially during pregnancy, I have such a hard time not exploding. I wake up annoyed to be woken up by the kids, and go to sleep completely frustrated by bedtime and clean up struggles…with a sink still full of dishes and couch covered with laundry. I have some support and help from my husband, but he works long hours and most of the major struggle points of the day are me alone (wake up, meals and bedtime). All in all, I guess I’m asking…am I a lost cause? I keep trying and failing over and over and cannot seem to get to a place where “I have no buttons”…unless I’m between pregnancies and not pre-menstrual…which is not often. We are probably close to being done having children, so I’m trying to take that into account, but I feel like my oldest kids have spent pretty much their whole life with “mean mommy”, and even when I do get it under control for a bit…it never lasts, so there’s a major instability for them. Sorry for the book, I’m just wondering if you have any advice considering what it feels like I’m up against, or can you give me insight from an outsider’s perspective?

