We have been trying to implement Teaching Self Government for 2 months now and we are struggling to get it all in. I have taught the 4 Basic Skills, we have the children’s poster to help with understanding consequences and freedom. We do chores, the Rule of 3. I love the program, but it is very challenging to find time to read the book, listen to the calls, etc. I have not finished the book and I have not started Mentor Meetings, or any meetings. I ask a question every week just to keep moving forward and force me to listen to the calls or else I fear I would stay stagnant. My husband is a pediatric surgeon with crazy hours. I homeschool. I have 5 kids (10 months, 8, 10, 13, and 15 on Friday). Every child is unique and has their own strengths and weaknesses. My husband can be a stumbling block to the program because of his lack of time to learn the program and his tendency to be critical of the children and my parenting. He thinks I am too soft and I think he is too condescending and judgmental. Can you please tell me the first thing you would have us focus on as a family to help us with family unity and everyone coming together under the program? Can you tell me the second thing I should add? I just feel like I need baby steps for all of us because I was trying to do the whole program, in its entirety, without all the training or book learning, and I feel discouraged I can’t get the meetings in or seem to parent the way the program says in the moment. I sometimes forget to use the skills or Rule of 3 until a disagreement has turned into a yelling match between kids or between a parent and child. I told the kids yesterday in the car that I just wanted us to focus on being calm this week and everyone agreed and then all heck broke lose as soon as we walked in the door. I keep picking up the book and grabbing snippets of the calls but life is all kinds of rich and beautiful and even showering is a luxury I savor when it happens. Help me bring this family together one step at a time. I have read so many parenting books and tried so many ways to parent and this is the first one that I feel can work because of the focus on unity and self government. It has my favorite elements of all the books I have read in its pages. I am so grateful to have found this and I don’t want to become lac or give up.