we've been doing tsg for over a year and he has it mastered where he can do whatever he wants and push&push until he gets to the third instruction in the rule of 3. So I told him, son, you're really not governing yourself and you're heart is not unified with mine. The whole point of tsg is to have a change of heart and be unified with the family. But you are taking advantage of tsg because as an example just yesterday you earned one major maintenence for not following instructions because you had 3 chances to follow the instruction. One extra chore then a second then I had to go into the Rule of 3 then you obeyed but when I instructed you to start your MM you didn't obey again 3 more times to do it and earned a second MM. But the day was over and it was bedtime so you didn't get to do any MMs. The reason is I'm sick in bed and I give him an instruction and he's gone for hours and by the time I see him again I tell him he didn't follow instructions and check back so we go from there. So this morning I told him what we'll do because of all that from yesterday and since we started tsg, is we're starting the day out with you already in the rule of 3. If I have to correct you it will be an automatic MM and so forth. So right after breakfast and morning meeting I gave him an instruction to start on the MM he earned yesterday by cleaning the kitchen. He was nicely behaved during breakfast and morning meeting when he is usually constantly disobeying and disrupting. He loves to do his 2 extra chores and have me talk all the time saying the rule of three sometimes 20 times a day and he'll follow that first instruction so he doesn't earn the MM and later start right back again being difficult. Well anyway he never did his MM after morning meeting because an hour went by when I realized it and said ok you've earned a MM, now if you don't follow this second instruction you will earn 2 sodas. He did not follow all 5 steps of following an instruction so he earned 2 sodas then I said the same thing about the loss of privileges and he went to the kitchen and started working and while he was working he was instructing my 7 year old to stick a fork in the outlet and she was trying to get it in there when my 16 year old stopped her and came to report it. So he lost his privileges and agreed to start his time when I asked and within 5min he lost privileges because of doing the exact same things and said this isn't how you do tsg and why don't I ask Nicholeen how, etc.