Power, Communication, and Connection Training

This exciting new webinar, originally called “Fall Fresh Start,” occurred on September 16th, 2023 from 9-noon Mountain Time.

I covered:

  • Improving Connection Relationships, and Behaviors This School Year
  • Helping Children Fall In Love With Learning, Even The Hard Subjects
  • Making the Home-life and School-life Schedules Harmonious Not Conflicting (Tips for smooth school days and all the other stuff too!)
  • ​Question and Answer Time With Nicholeen

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One Easy Way To Increase Emotional Maturity In Children

Sadly, teaching strategies for proper social and emotional health are often unorganized and conflicting. Parents are left feeling like they need to choose between teaching children to have self-control and teaching children to be emotionally heard. These choices seem like opposites to most people. But, to a person who has true emotional intelligence, both of

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Children, The Sexual Target?

We can’t afford to serve two masters anymore because our children’s hearts and minds are a prize to be won. For years now, society and media have dually honored both animalistic sexual license as well as humanely nurturing the innocence of children and admiring the goodness of God. Unsurprisingly, basic nurturing and some of God’s

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Is Critical Race Theory Hurting Our Children?

Chris W. shared this shocking story with me about his experience last week with his son at a California park. “My son and I were playing soccer at a park in the bay area of California. Multiple African American boys came up to my son and started punching him in the head for no reason.

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Hurting or Helping Children | The Battle For Hearts And Loyalties

Think of the voices that surround our children. Voices leading children to love money, God, family, power, popularity, prestige, entitlement, activism, intellectual achievement, personal worth, truth, pleasure-seeking, time wasting, productivity, industry, judgment, despair, and more.   It’s easy to see how some of these voices mislead and hurt a child’s potential. Yet, these voices oftentimes

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Parenting: A House United 2nd Edition

Is your home in crisis? Do your children never do what they are told? Do you find yourself completely overwhelmed and hating to interact with your children? Do your children treat you with disrespect and cause contention at home? Are you out of control of your emotions as a parent too? If any of these descriptions sound like your house, then you might be in crisis and you will definitely benefit from reading this book. It is written for you. This book is also written for people who don‘t want to ever have a home like I have described above and for parents who want to have an effectively communicating family right from the very beginning of parenthood.

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Lest We Forget: The Vision of Educating Young People

This is the time of year the focus of the world is on education and preparing our children to learn and grow toward success. We enroll the children in classes, schools, programs and activities in hopes they will get an education to prepare them for the future. Is our current educational plan adequate for the

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Support Call 4-28-17

This call covers:

  • Asking questions and some scheduling for May.
  • Applying TSG to young children, son with a “loose mouth”, and bedtime in a shared bedroom.
  • Discussing methods for correcting bad language.
  • How to do the Rule of Three with children that need to “do it over.”
  • Contemplating putting oldest son in school for multiple reasons. Is it the best option?
  • Synthetic consequences foreveryone? Parents need Self-Government too…
  • Fixing obnoxious behavior and helping change child’s heart during the Rule of three.

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Solutions for Today’s Teenage Sexual Problems

The other day I was attending a very heated legislative committee meeting in Utah where changes to the way state school teachers teach about sexual health were proposed. I recognized someof the legislators were not acknowledging the real solution to the problems facing teenagers. Debate and public comments on the proposed changes went on for

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School Problems? Making Your Child A Genius!

Many parents wonder what to do about problems at school. Sometimes the best behavior therapy for classroom behaviorshappens at home. The video interview below discusses what parents can do about school related behavior problems.

Other parents want to know how to prepare their children for educational success. No matter what way you choose to educate children at your house, you will gain a lot from hearing this conversation between veteran teacher and college professor, Nicholas Pond, and homeschool mother, Nicholeen Peck, about school pro

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