How Did You Actually Train Yourself To Be Calm?


This week’s gem is from a question Nicholeen was asked“What did you actually do to train yourself to be calm?”

Here’s the questions and how Nicholeen answered it from the original call on 10-12-12

Over the years, Nicholeen hastaught many things about being calm. It is the first principle taught in theImplementation Course, and the gate through which all the rest of the principles operate.

Asdiscussed inThe Power of Calm,when the front part of our brain is activated to analyze, the back part of our brain’s emotional center is shut off, and vice versa. In other words, when you get mad you can’t think and your IQ drops.

The steps that will help this from happening (at the end of this question) are:

1- Look at them

2- Focus on the inside

3- Now, describe what behavior happened… “Just now…”

These steps engage the logical centers of the brain to analyze. As discussed inThe Movie with the Aponte Family, describe and focus on correcting the behavior and try to avoid getting caught up in the issue of the momentary circumstances.

This week, as you go through your Teaching Self-Government journey, listen in this segment for one thing that you need to work on. Then take a few minutes to write in your journal or onthe FORUMwith one thing you are learning as you apply your new skills.

If you want to learnmore, wealso recommendThe Majesty of Calmness by William George Jordan

It really is true, that we need to take time tostop and think. As you exercise your power to be calm it will increase over time.

~ Pennie Rumsey

