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Family Tutorial with the Aponte Family

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In the Summer of 2012 Nicholeen was invited to the Aponte home, in Kentucky, to teach a family with 12 children and two parents the principles of self-government.

In three days the Aponte family was changed forever by the 15 lessons Nicholeen taught them.

The Story! When the Aponte family invited me to come teach their family self-government communication skills the father, Jose, asked me if we could record the whole thing.  I only had my HD camera but said I would try.  He hired a young man in his area to come film the whole three days I was in their home so that the Aponte family could “…remember this experience forever.”  ~Jose

During the filming I knew the footage would help families all over the world learn how to do calm self-government parenting too.  Then people could see it for real!  So, when you watch this video teaching set you are having a REAL glimpse into the lives of a family.  It was all live action.  Some times the sound is hard to hear because we didn’t have microphones and the large household made noise.  But, even with a few hard to hear places these live parenting interactions are priceless.  This DVD experience is 6 hours of seeing a family learn self-government live.  It is a must see for families who are trying to implement self-government principles in their homes.

Two ways to use this movie:

Use the movie to analyze the problems at home and prepare, as husband and wife, to teach the family new skills
Use the movie to instruct the children about the self-government principles and to discuss appropriate behaviors.

Note: This video was originally recorded for the Aponte family’s personal use, and is shared with their permission. This led to very authentic footage, and while this video was not professionally filmed, this is a real life visit into a home, where you get to see Teaching Self-Government implemented from start to finish.

